Saturday 29 November 2014

Work place stress: How to de-stress at work place?

Work place stress is a very serious problem in every individual’s life and it is unavoidable due to demands of the work environment. Most individuals fail to cope with it. Stress creates a lot of tension in mind of people which leads to mental imbalance; reduced workplace efficiency, and unleashes Pandora’s Box in personal as well as professional life.

And I am sure each one of us wants to rid of these stresses but they can’t. Remember life is a way to walk through every phase and every phase of life follows critical point that is happiness and tensions. So by thinking all the way I came to the conclusion and will share with you all.

Numerous reasons or situation both in personal and professional lives causes stress in the life of an individual. There no fixed solution to overcome stress; but I would suggest some points which can prove beneficial.

  • Meditation: It’s very important thing to do in today’s world, do it regularly and enjoy self esteem.
  • Make your agenda for the day and follow(Create a to do list for every day)
  • Never think that you are powerless. Every individual has some power in their own, think and act.
  • Update yourself in Technology world.
  • Connect yourself with other people and share your thoughts
  • Follow your instincts in most of the situations they are always correct.
  • Never get emotional with job related things, think wise and then react. It can help in improving decision making skills.
  • Whenever you feel low at work, stand up walk for a while come back and smile. You will forget everything and start fresh.
  • If your performance is low. Look at your Job description and discuss it with your supervisor. Remember, no one is perfect set your own standards.
  • Last but not the least do what you like spending time with family, listening music, think of your favorite things you wish to do in your life.

There is no proper way of doing things correctly. What an individual can do is self management. By doing this you not only enjoy your life but also builds a great self esteem in yourself. Employees feel good with no stress if they experience the knowledge and abilities matched to their work and also when support is received from supervisors and colleagues. Every Individual wants respect and appreciation, but how a person achieves them is totally depend on how they manage themselves in a critical situation.

Thank you for reading my article. Share your thoughts in comment section below.

Thursday 6 November 2014

Resume – A Human Interface!!

  “First impression is your last impression” we are all aware of it. Isn’t it?
Yes, and it applies to your resume. How? A resume is a mirror of every person; it advertises the individual’s skills and ability. A document designed and utilized by an individual to showcase their background and skills to secure their employment. Thus, when an individual creates their resume, it presents a comprehensive picture of marketability. Everyone is not aware about it and you can say not much concerned about their resume. This is the reason why an individual fails to find a proper job, whereas the job of the recruiter becomes tedious.

I would suggest following things to make your resume effective and valuable.

  • Keep it simple, formal & concise; Avoid designing, colors, Excessive bold typeface.
  • Mention your relevant contact information on the top of resume.
  • Put career summary in place of objective; it will give your brief overview about what you do? Who are you? What is your career goal & How effective and efficient you work?
  • Don’t mention excessive information about your organization. A few lines mentioning the company name, website and basic information is sufficient.
  • Highlight your accomplishment with job description- A hiring manager needs to know how successfully and effectively performed your occupation and attained your target. Thus, be exact and clear.
  • Specify your key skills and technologies you are well versed with. Don’t bloat your resume with things which you are not well-off.
  • Many organizations give a lot of preferences to education detail so, it’s very important to tell about your academic background with other certifications. Always put your recent degree/certification first.
  • Do not describe your family information no one is probably interested in it, if hiring manager wants to know much about it he will ask at the time of interview.
  • Last but not the least put your resume file name short and simple e.g. Name-2014.docx

Generally a resume get scanned in 25 seconds and it is difficult to scan if it is too lengthy with heavy design. Remember these points and implement in your resume.

Friday 31 October 2014

Recruitment- A Challenge!!

 Recruitment- A Challenge!!

Discovering a right applicant for your organization obliges a ton of effort. Its a huge test for an recruitment specialist to hunt capable hopefuls. In ebb and flow situation we have many recruitment sources like Job Portals, Search engines, Social Websites, Employee referrals, Consultants and so on but, in the wake of having all these things individuals still discover trouble looking for talented applicants.

What all the major problems confronted by the Recruiter. Let’s go through them.

Decision Making - How many employees required for a particular position and what should be the budget. Can anyone imagine how an HR is going through with decision making keeping in mind the company standards and budget constraints? I hope you got the answer.

Job Description - How to set up an extraordinary JD for any position, how much it is difficult? Ask a Recruiter!  Mention a cluster clear employment obligation in JD and incorporate every last indicate elucidate an applicant about occupation and stimulate them to apply for job is an extraordinary assignment.

Sourcing Profiles- Recruitment industry is becoming quick so as rivalry between them to contract a best candidate for their customer. Mostly all the recruitment companies has the same sources to search the candidates.

Candidates Interest- If Candidates don't have enthusiasm toward the opening for job opportunity then a recruiter face an unexpected responses like number switched off, not feeling great, in meeting, urgent call from managers & to wrap things up my relatives are hospitalized. 

Client Pressure (For Recruitment Agencies) - It is extremely troublesome for recruitment firms to oversee applicants as per client needs because of their developing rivalry and fetching talented candidates from others is a bit troublesome task for each firm.

Joining after Selection- Convincing candidate to join the organization is bit difficult just in the event that he takes in another employment offer from contenders. Several things a recruiter does to attract the candidate to the company; indirectly affecting the budget.
To satisfy a solitary opening, HR Professional needs to experience a considerable measure of stages, which makes recruitment a challengeable assignment as well as put constant pressure on them to accomplish their goal. In my perspective, an HR professional should be prepared to face these challenges and hone their skills to achieve their goal.

  1.  People Management skills- Everyone ought to have these aptitudes to pull in individuals and accomplish things from them. 
  2. Convincing Skills- improve this skill as it is extremely demon piece of recruitment methodology.
  3. Keep an eye on your competitors.
  4.  Do a Market Research on Recruitment firms and Applicants.
  5. Think and think a lot to make a great strategy and perform to accomplish it.
  6.  Last yet not the minimum paramount for HR Professionals is Communication. 

Never forget as said by Mr. Frederick Herzberg:

 “True motivation comes from achievement, personal development, job satisfaction, and recognition (sic)”. 
Each HR Professional should remember this and always be ready to face such difficulties and assume a whole tone to change the recruitment world.

Tuesday 28 October 2014

HR blog on Appreciation!!

Appreciation –A Powerful Motivational Tool

Being Happy is a need of each individual, and how could you have been able to discover it in the work spot is a bit troublesome assignment. 

At work most individuals get pushed because of evident reasons which can be come around one thing and that is Appreciation. Yes, Appreciation has truly noteworthy influence in the life of Employee at office. It not just make him content however propels to perform better furthermore build productivity. Thankfulness is one of the top help for representatives to buckle down and to be more dedicated to the organisation's.
For better execution Manager ought to admire his subordinate for his work which brings about incredible fulfilment and prepared to take more difficulties. As we know these days everybody is under steady weight endured low self regard because of the difficulties they confront at work.
As indicated by my perspective representatives would be more acknowledged if their managers give careful consideration and give sudden great input on their work. Most individuals say that tossing gatherings, offering treats make representatives upbeat yes, it can be yet not every worker feels cheerful. On the off chance that great relations don't exist with his/her manager likewise, in the event that he doesn't get any appreciation in basic fill in too then, representative won't delight in his work.
Everybody ought to take after these things in the event that you need make yourself & subordinates glad are as per the following:
  1. Appreciate employee on their work
  2. If work doesn’t appear to be good according to necessity ask representative to alter it again but, amiably
  3. Greet every one so  the individual feels good to talk 
  4.  The Smile is medication for everything , use it and fetch good results 
  5. Email employees for their great execution or convenient consummation of  project  with copying (cc) to respective teams, it make him content and fulfilled, as well as persuades to do taking care of business in future also.

  • Happy employee gives great results which expands the organisation execution 
  • Most important, Appreciation to employee helps organisation builds retention rate and low attrition rate.

There are numerous different components which can propel representatives, yet at essential level I would recommend the Appreciation for work. What Appreciation will do nothing, can do at any expense. Continuously give constructive reaction to individuals who work under you. They are the most profitable resource of your organisation.